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Serata con delitto


Hello to all aspiring detectives in Padua!

We have arrived in your city with a mystery to solve: Murder on the Red Carpet

Are you ready to find out who the murderer is by interrogating suspects and solving clues?

Only one contact person per team needs to complete it. Please note that each team must have between 2 and 10 players.

The participation fee is 7€ per person! You can pay it directly before the start of the game in cash or with Satispay.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 8 May 2024 at 20.30 in Padua in Prato della Valle for an evening full of mystery and fun!!!

NB. The game is for young people and adults, but even the youngest can have fun accompanied and helped by parents/guardians in solving the case!


+39 353 440 8744

REGISTER YOUR TEAM! (cost 7 euro per person) Entire proceeds of the evening will be donated to support IBO Italy’s volunteer projects.


Prato della Valle, Padova

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