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Summer at Planetarium

Foires et conférences

Rich program of events: Giotto’s comet and comets, in-depth analysis of Giotto’s nativity scene in the Scrovegni Chapel , Star Trek and Star Wars for fans. Intertellar: the physics show for everyone. Special San Lorenzo’s night,explanation of the “shooting stars” in the dome of the planetarium.

Stars & cartoons the sky of the 80s cartoons with astronomical explanations, special the cell breathtaking journey into the universe of the infinitesimal bricks of life.

Galileo in Padua with Bruno Lovadina and the beautiful theatre.

The bastion of the stars is the new observation point, extremely suggestive on the top of one of the large bastions that crown the sixteenth-century city walls, the best place.

Naked eye observation of the sky with a laser pointer, connected to planetarium and telescopic projections of celestial objects.

The moon, planets, star clusters, nebulae and galaxies seen with a digital telescope.

The sun star in white light and in the hydrogen alpha line and the solar spectrum. Listening to the sun’s “radio” signal using a satellite dish.


Via Alvise Cornaro, 1, Padova
(0039) 049 773677

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