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Planetario – Beatles Across The Universe

Animation und Unterricht

The Planetarium is an educational tool that reproduces the celestial vault inside a room, with the stars, the sun, the planets, as they can be observed on a clear night.

It also shows celestial movements and phenomena in an accelerated way, so as to catch the observer’s attention. Simulate the appearance of the sky for any location on earth and for any period in the past and future. Who are the protagonists of the summer sky? Numerous events are scheduled at the planetarium.


18 MAY 6.30 pm and 9.00 pm

The event is part of the WAR IS OVER (IF YOU WANT IT) campaign, taking up the pacifist campaign of the same name that John Lennon undertook in 1969, with the participation of UNICEF Padua and the patronage of the Municipality and Province of Padua.

In February 2008, a unique signal was emitted in the direction of the North Star from one of the large antennas of the Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex in Robledo: the song “Across The Universe” by the Beatles.

On the occasion of the 16th anniversary of the “launch” of the song, the Banda Del Sottomarino Giallo and the Planetarium of Padua present a special event where the music of the Beatles played live by the band joins the astronomical explanations of Luca Nobili, popularizing astronomer, inspired from the message that the song is bringing “across the Universe”.

Ticket €15. Internal parking.


Saturday 18 May 2024 – 6.30pm

Saturday 18 May 2024 – 9.00 pm

Or by calling us on 049773677 during Office hours from Monday to Saturday from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 18:30 (in case of answering machine, leave your telephone number and we will call you back) cell info. 377 168 6992


Via Alvise Cornaro, 1, Padova
(0039) 049 773677

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