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A sacred saying yes Exhibition


A sacred saying yes

Giancarlo Frison sculptor Giancarlo Frison was born in the Selve di S. Benedetto countryside in 1949.

His high school years, spent with the students of the Praglia Monastery at the Episcopal Seminary of Padua, opened up the opportunity for him to attend exhibitions, museums and churches.

He received the rudiments of plastic modeling from the sculptor Licia Boldrin, niece of the sculptor Paolo Boldrin. He graduated in Contemporary Art with Professor Umbro Apollonio at the University of Padua. The large sculpture exhibitions and the meetings with artists and critics have stimulated, together with the studies, a passion for abstract, geometric sculpture and for the world of morphogenetic intuitions originating from primary solids, from topology, from nodes. The meeting with Giò Pomodoro and Max Bill was decisive in this phase.

The emergence of a progressive critical detachment with respect to the estrangement of art in elite places and the participation in commissions destined for the spaces of simple everyday life, led him to meet the need for a common language, nourished by memory and tradition . Contrary to the rhetoric of other authors, although animated by the same pedagogical aims, in Frison lightness prevails, a dreaminess capable of freeing the observer’s imagination, in a synthesis possible only to those who approach Sculpture with ethical and technical awareness.

So as to speak in the eyes of the simple and the learned.

The works on display are composed of different cycles:

some of them clearly refer to the world of the Sacred, others to the phenomenal nature of nature or the descriptive work of the countryside, still others to the symbolic and topological geometries.

Oratory of San Rocco via Santa Lucia 049 8753981 opening: Tue-Sun 09.30-19.00


Via Santa Lucia, 59, Padova
+39 049 8753981

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