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Between the Dreamlike and the Myth


Between the Dreamlike and the Myth Retrospective of Alberto Bolzonella

Opening: September 4, 6:00 pm

On display are about sixty pictorial and graphic works that aim to tell the creative story of Alberto Bolzonella, dean of Paduan artists.

A seventy-year long adventure, begun under the guidance of masters such as Umberto Lilloni, Armando Pizzinato, Ottone Rosai and Guido Cadorin, and germinated thanks to the assimilation of the expressive values ​​of the best Italian pictorial tradition. The exhibition will present, following a chronological principle, the different expressive stages that mark the history of his work: from the works dedicated to the squares and markets of Padua to the first still lifes; from the portraits to the brief, but absolutely interesting, abstract parenthesis of the Sixties, up to the most important poetic and formal results achieved by the author in his creative maturity.

The exhibition will include a series of ink drawings representing one of Bolzonella’s most important undertakings: the visual translation of the cantos of Dante’s Divine Comedy.

An impressive figurative cycle created in the wake of great artists of the past, which will become a gift, in its entirety, to the Civic Museums of Padua. Through the iconographic repertoire attributable to them, Bolzonella intended, with passion and coherence, to look at the heart of man, to give shape to his impulses as well as to his bewilderments: an operation that finds authenticity in the profound relationships entertained by the painted images, even the most apparently unreal or dreamlike, with his personal memories.

Alberto Bolzonella retrospective is completed by the creation of an illustrated catalogue, containing a critical introduction by Nicola Galvan and the re-proposal of a fundamental text dedicated by Paolo Rizzi to the artist’s work.

Published by Cleup Editore, the volume will be presented at the inauguration of the exhibition.


Free admission Opening hours: 09:30-12:30 and 16:00-19:00 Closed on all non-holiday Mondays


Via VIII Febbraio, Padova

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