19 - 20 APR 2024
Messen und Konferenzen
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Padua was the scene from 1956 to 1975 of an international festival dedicated to the cinema of science, becoming an international reference point for educational and scientific films and documentaries in those years. science. More than 1200 films were screened, involving prestigious research centres from dozens of countries and hundreds of directors, including Ermanno Olmi, Alain Resnais and Frank Capra. Up for grabs each year for the winning film, there was the Bucranio d’oro.

Now that heritage has been partly recovered and the first edition of IMAGINARIUM. The review of scientific cinema in Padua wishes to share its value with the city, to tell and take up the legacy of an international festival where cinema and science intertwine.

Il 19 e 20 aprile prossimi, il Teatro Ruzante nel centro storico della città tornerà a proiettare alcuni spezzoni delle vecchie pellicole e nelle due giornate si alterneranno talk e dialoghi, proiezioni, attività per bambini e ragazzi. A rinsaldare il legame tra scienza e società.

Enriching the review will be activities for children designed by Marnie Campagnaro, lecturer in Children’s Literature, and on the evening of Saturday 20 April the free screening of free screening of Asteroid City, a film by Wes Anderson in which science is found in multiple aspects, introduced by Denis Brotto, lecturer in Cinema and Visual Culture at the University of Padua.

Each event is free of charge but booking is required


Riviera Tito Livio, 45, PADOVA
+39 049 827 3044

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