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Metamorfosi del colore. Personale di Daniela Antonello


From 18 June to 28 July 2024, the Metamorphosis of Color exhibition will be held at the Scuderie of Palazzo Moroni. Personal exhibition by Daniela Antonello.

On display are around forty works selected from the artist’s latest creations, created mostly in Bavaria or Berlin, Germany, places from which Daniela Antonello absorbs the lifeblood and energy of German Expressionism.

In fact, his works are characterized by the absence of rules and canons, in which the internal eye replaces the external one: from the artist’s soul directly into reality, without mediation. In the compositions a rebellion of the spirit against matter takes shape and therefore the “eyes of the soul” are the starting point of this expressionist poetics, inspired by those of the group Die Brücke (formed by artists such as Kirchner, Nolde, Kokoschka) or by those of the Der blaue Reiter group (formed by Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Franz Marc, and others), the subject of the artist’s University Teaching of Art and Image for twenty years.

With bright colors and confident brushstrokes, the painter offers suggestions of women, of horses, of very vital “living natures”, of “landscapes” à la Kandinsky… or visions absolutely belonging to the most integral Abstractionism, not interpretable through narratives of reality but through shapes, colors, gestures to give expansion to the most intimate emotions as if they were notes of an improvised piece of music.

Free admission. Hours: 09.30-12.30 and 16.00-19.00; closed every Monday except holidays.


Via del Municipio, 1, Padova

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