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Yoko Ono ‘Ex It’


In Padua Yoko Ono presents Ex It, a site-specific installation already exhibited in numerous international museums from 1997 to today, composed of 100 wooden coffins of different sizes with olive trees growing from inside as a metaphor for the resilience of life and vitality of nature. A way to talk about peace, and talk about life through the tragedy of death. The exceptional nature of the Paduan exhibition lies in the fact that it was by visiting the Hall of Palazzo della Ragione that Yoko Ono thought about creating the work for the first time.

The exhibition was born from an idea by Paolo De Grandis, whose desire was to bring Ex It to Palazzo della Ragione. The collaboration between Yoko Ono and De Grandis began in 2002 in Venice during the OPEN exhibition and has developed over the years with numerous site-specific projects. The exhibition is dedicated to the memory of Paolo De Grandis, his commitment as a curator, his enlightened vision and his extraordinary ability to create connections between artists, works and places.

Ex It is curated by Jon Hendricks and promoted by the Culture Department of the Municipality of Padua. The organization is managed by Carlotta Scarpa with PDG Arte Communications.

The exhibition can be viewed for free. To access the Hall of Palazzo della Ragione it is necessary to purchase a ticket and the rates are indicated on the official website of the Civic Museums of Padua.


Piazza delle Erbe, Padova
(0039) 049 8205006

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