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Aperitif at the Theatre

Tradiciones y comida

The traditional appointment with theatrical aperitifs at 7pm returns to the Verdi Theatre. Aperitif at the theater is a one-on-one meeting between actors and spectators, pleasantly sipping a cool summer drink, which fuels the idea of ​​a theater capable of breaking down the fourth wall, to create one large community in constant dialogue.

This year’s program is characterized by the centrality of the actor, starting with the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the death of Eleonora Duse.

The new graduates of the Carlo Goldoni Theater Academy, led by Enrico Castellani and Valeria Raimondi of Babilonia Teatri, bring Shrek to the stage. I oppose it, a portrait that is at times ironic, at times poetic, at times cruel, to tell the fragility of young people and at the same time to give voice to the empty crudeness of today. A show that draws inspiration from the famous film character who has marked entire generations, breaking down all stereotypes, to the point of becoming a way to guide the sensitivity of those watching towards respect for diversity and acceptance of one’s own body.

The last title on the program is The Doozies and sees the dancer-choreographer Silvia Gribaudi and the actress-playwright Marta Dalla Via on stage together for the first time. The biographies of Isadora Duncan and Eleonora Duse are a fascinating source of narrative and political ideas. Through their unconventional existence they were pioneers of feminism, of comedy, of an art that is concerned with the present.



Via dei Livello, 32, Padova
(0039) 049 87770213

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