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Navigazione lungo i Canali di Padova


Navigation from Padua Bassanello Bridge to Porta Portello

Interesting navigation along the Canals of Padua and explanation along the route of the city’s hydraulic works to defend against floods.

Disembarkation at Portello harbour, one of the most characteristic places in Padua!

Plan Navigation starts from Bassanello, an important river junction south of the city, at the point where the waters of the Bacchiglione flow into the Canale Difesa, the youngest of the Padua canals, built in the nineteenth century and enlarged in the twentieth century, to put an end to the disastrous floods of the city.

Arrival at Portello, the ancient river port of Padua and disembarkation at the sixteenth-century staircase in white Istrian stone.

The Staircase, which was also immortalized in a painting by Canaletto, was the embarkation point for the Brenta Riviera and Venice. Having disappeared under one meter of earth, it was brought to light by the “Amissi del Piovego” Association and restored in 1993.

Free return by tram to the starting point. It is necessary to come on board with the paper reservation

The excursion is guaranteed even in case of rain, since the boat is covered.

info 049 616120 from 10.30 to 16.00 from Monday to Friday Captain: cell 348.5217323

Advance booking online on the website is mandatory


Via Giovanni Gradenigo, Padova

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