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Olimpia Biase. For a Stars’ Garden.


The exhibition Per un’aiuoia di stelle, set up at the Eremitani Museum, is a total immersion in the world of Olimpia Biasi, an artist from Treviso with a long and complex artistic career and experimentation, whose works are today present in public collections and private, even outside national borders.

Crossing her multifaceted, multifaceted, eclectic and varied artistic universe is like going through a flowerbed of stars, a title she wanted and chose, inspired by a verse by one of the authors dear to her, Louise Glück, Nobel Prize winner for Literature in 2020.

About a hundred works on display, all orchestrated as a composition for drawings, paintings, fabric tapestries on industrial mesh, multi-material collages on gauze, books, herbariums, etc., for a creative journey that starts from 2011 and reaches up to the present day .

Nature is the common thread of his narrative journey. Exploring Olimpia Biasi’s ‘flowerbed of stars’ is like entering a magical and secret garden, in which vegetal elements are intertwined with feathers, ribbons, shells, small animals, insects and everyone can move freely in search of their own dimension. The beginning and end of each of his works is wonder, grasping and knowing how to grasp reality with creative amazement.

The feminine essence is present everywhere, it permeates the works to the point of becoming a stylistic feature of the Artist. Canvas, cloths, gauze, nets refer to that fascinating world of weaving, which has always belonged to women.

Olimpia Biasi consciously recovers the symbolic value of weaving, an ancient knowledge that in her hands transforms into a weave of threads and thoughts. In fact, in the background of his works emerges a pattern of references to the visions of Hildegard von Bingen, to the words of Emily Dickinson, Louise Glück, Chatwin, Montale. Words that permeated his creativity, helping to give it shape.

The artist from Treviso had great teachers: from Elena Bassi, who introduced her to the history of art, to Barbisan, Bacci, Pizzinato. Her long artistic career has led her to follow different paths, to experiment and master heterogeneous materials and formats, from intimate drawing to mosaic, from the exuberant painting of large paintings and canvases, to “weaving” on gauze and industrial nets , on which he is currently working, where the intimacy of the ancient gesture of weaving and sewing is expressed in the large format of the Herbariums and Tapestries. Exhibition curated by Myriam Zerbi.

Info Eremitani Museum Piazza Eremitani 8

25 April – 7 July 2024 every day 09:00-19:00 price: included in the entrance ticket to the Eremitani Museum Tel. 049 8204551


Piazza Eremitani, 8, Padova
(0039)049 8204551

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