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SuggEstiva 2024

Cine y teatro

The SuggEstiva review returns, bringing together cultural, theatrical and convivial events at the Odeo Cornaro, a monumental complex, which houses within it the Loggia, a fixed ancient-style theater scene, which was built by Alvise Cornaro. An important place for the city, which celebrates its 500th anniversary this year. The Loggia, dated 1524, was built to a design by the Veronese architect Giovanni Maria Falconetto, linked to Cornaro by friendship and a common interest in classical antiquity.

The soul of the programme, which will keep Paduans and visitors company for two months, is the La Torlonga Association, committed since 2000 to recovering and valorising places and memories of the historical-artistic heritage of Padua, offering guided tours, meetings and exhibitions.

The program is characterized by guided tours, which become convivial moments in which recitations and aperitifs alternate, conceived and followed by the Torlonga Association, such as Avanti di disnar a corte, with a renewed edition, which pays homage to the 700 years since the death of Marco Polo, and the tried and tested A casa di Alvise, with Toffanin’s reading in Ruzante, which opens the exhibition on 3 July. In this edition, a new appointment is added regarding cultural visits: Walking around Padua with the young Palladio, a guided walking itinerary aimed at rediscovering the places and reliving the events that characterized childhood and adolescence of the architect, born in Padua in 1508.

The visits will alternate with 5 theater shows. On 11 July CAST brings to the stage El roerso mondo de Ruzante, between narration and prose, a show punctuated by popular and Renaissance music, which alternates with the writings of Beolco.

On August 1st Prototeatro proposes Tutti dormono sulla hill dedicated to the Spoon River anthology. Particularly eagerly awaited is the show on 8 August Carlo, Goldoni & Giorgio with the duo of comic actors Carlo & Giorgio rediscovering the most important works and characters of the Venetian playwright. The classic, Cervantes’ text, marries the contemporary thanks to rock music, on August 22nd, with the original rereading of Don Quixote, Barbamoccolo and Artivarti in Rockischiotte – Viver Folli per Morir Wise. The closure is entrusted to the Pantarei Group, which on August 27 brings to the Odeo with Furiamente Orlando read according to the Commedia dell’Arte, born in the 16th century between Padua and Venice.

Entrance to the evenings is subject to payment upon reservation at

in case of rain the dates of the events will be changed Info:


via Cesarotti 37, Padova
(0039) 335 142 8861

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