
11 - 28 ABR. 2024
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Inauguration: 10 April, 6 p.m.

From 11 to 28 April, the group exhibition Evasioni, curated by the MoMArt Association and the Department of Culture, will be open in Galleria Cavour.

For some years now, the MoMArt Association has been engaged in an educational project consisting of painting and sculpture courses inside the Padua prison, in the high security section. It is precisely from this activity that the idea of an exhibition was born, in which Art can represent a moment of escape for those who have lost their freedom. Evasioniis just that: art as an escape, but also escape as an artistic subject.

We all have our own form of escape, and all forms of escape can be represented in artistic form. A broad, fascinating theme, made more concrete by the participation in the exhibition of works created inside the prison: important works, rich in meaning, sometimes with a high symbolic content. Art has always levelled out differences or exaggerated them, conveyed messages, unified different people and subjects. And what can be more unifying than an exhibition in which works by artists and prisoners are displayed together under one common umbrella?

Two side events will also be held as part of the exhibition:

-Saturday 20 April at 5 p.m. will be the conference ‘I’ll tell you a story’, in which prison reality will ‘meet’ the public. Present will be the artists Alessandra Andreose and Claudia Chiggio, the director of Padua Prison Claudio Mazzeo, some inmates, and the inmates’ professionals;

-Sunday 21 April at 5 p.m. there will be an experiential conference «Art between self-expression and personal well-being», to consider art from a different perspective, held by art therapist Dr. Cristina Zucchi.


Culture and Tourism Sector

U.O.C. Exhibitions, Events and Shows

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Piazza Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, PADOVA

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