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Oratorio de San Benedetto

Edificios religiosos

First mentioned in an account of a pastoral visit by a local bishop in 1823, the San Benedetto Oratory was built in the eighteenth century. It was the property of the Venetian church of the same name but would later pass to the church of Santa Lucia before being acquired by the Schiesari family in 1887. It then became the property of the Capuzzo family and nowadays belongs to the Nuova Cesetta agricultural company.
The inscription above the doorways recalls that the building is dedicated to St. Benedict, and inside is a statue of that saint flanked by two putti holding aloft the symbols of bishophood; this is attributed to the studio of the sculptor  Giovan Maria Morlaiter. In recent years work has been carried out to consolidate the structure and repair the damage caused by water infiltration. The building is private and can only be seen from the outside; however, it is open to the public every year on the feast day of St. Benedict.

private property – can only be seen from the outside


via Pontecchio, Conselve (PD)

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