By car and camper


Padova is at the centre of the main motorway junctions: A4 Milan-Venice for the west-east route, A13 Bologna-Padova for those coming from the south.

  • Venice – Milan (A4) motorway: exit Padova Est if you come from Venice – exit Padova Ovest if you come from Milan. Follow the signs to the city centre.
  • Bologna – Padova (A13) motorway: exit at Padova Sud, follow the signs for the centre of Padova or continue in the direction of A4 Milan-Venice heading east.

For more information go to where you can plan your trip.

WARNING: the centre of Padova is a Traffic-Restricted Area (ZTL) bounded by electronic gates that read the vehicle license plate. Traffic in the ZTL is only permitted to vehicles with a special traffic permit.  More information is available on the website of the Municipality of Padua.

Travelling updates

  • Call Center Viabilità – For live updates when travelling, the Traffic Call Centre number 840 042121 is available 24 hours a day. For more information and costs, go to
  • Centro Informativo Viaggiando – the traffic and travel information service for the following routes: A4 between Trieste and Brescia, A23 Palmanova and Udine south, A28 Portogruaro-Conegliano, A57 Mestre ring road, A34 Villesse Gorizia, A31 Valdastico.
    The service is offered to motorway customers via the toll free number 800996099 (during daytime hours 7 am-10 pm with operator, during night-time hours 10 pm – 7 am, via automatic answering machine).

Car parks

Find out where to park your car by clicking here.

Camper van parking areas

Two areas are available for those arriving by camper:

  • Equipped camper van parking area in Via Telemaco Signorini located at the north end of the tramway, in the Pontevigodarzere area: the car park has 30 camper van parking spaces and offers various services: electricity and water supply, free Wi-Fi, storm sewage and waste water drainage and waste disposal.
    Daily rate (24 hours): € 8. Only draining (1 hour max): € 5. Open every day 24 hours a day. Access is allowed only with debit card/Bancomat or credit card
    For more info go to
  • Piazzale Rabin parking area (Prato della Valle, entrance from Via Cinquantottesimo Fanteria – from the outer ring roads, follow the signs for the city center). This area is not equipped with water or electricity connection, only parking is allowed. Rate from 0 to 6 hours: € 12. Rate for more than 6 hours: € 18. For more information go to or call +39 049 5018028.

Traffic-Restricted Areas

To find our more on the Traffic-Restricted Areas click here.

Last update: 28/07/2020

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