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Ten centuries of frescoes in Padova

Padova, the city of frescoes: ten centuries of history over 30 stops

Art and culture

Many artists who passed through Padova from the tenth to the twentieth century leaving examples of their talent, which can be seen in fresco works throughout the city.

From the Oratory of Saint Michael in Pozzoveggiani, along the ancient Via Annia, dating back to the 10th-11th and 12th-13th centuries, to the masters of the 14th century: first of all Giotto, but also Guariento, Giusto de’ Menabuoi, Altichiero da Zevio, Jacopo Avanzi and Jacopo da Verona.

Numerous testimonies were also left from the following centuries, at a time when wall decoration was used in chapels, churches and oratories, but also public buildings such as the majestic Palazzo della Ragione, the Odeo Cornaro, the Palazzo della Gran Guardia, the Noble Floor of Caffè Pedrocchi.

The frescoes inside the Bo and Liviano palaces of the University and some changes to the Basilica of Saint Anthony date back to the 20th century.

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