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Reception services

During your stay in Padova you can contact the network of Tourist Information and Reception Offices (IAT) to receive all kinds of information on exhibitions, events, places to visit, hotels and restaurants and any service Padova offers to tourists and visitors.
The service, available in three locations, is managed by the Società Cooperativa Culture of Venice Mestre on behalf of the Municipality of Padova.
The following languages are spoken: Italian, English, French, German.

The services offered include: tour booking, information on hotels and restaurants, possibility to buy the Urbs Picta Card, purchase of tickets for the Scrovegni Chapel and for events of the Vivaticket circuit. At the counter it is also possible to get a tourist map of Padova and find suggestions to visit the surrounding area such as the Euganean Hills and the Riviera del Brenta, as well as the other historical centres in the surrounding area. Books, items and guides on itineraries on foot or by bicycle to discover our territory and all its sights are also available.


A selection of useful maps to explore the city and the surroundings Tourist map Places to visit in town and the surroundings Cycling map Padua

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Luggage Storage

Railway station – Luggage Storage The luggage storage is located at platform 1. Official proof of identity is required. Rates: cost per bag is 5€

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servizi utili

Useful services

Agenzie viaggio, uffici utili e lost&found: tutto quello di cui avete bisogno in un click Accetta i cookie statistici per visualizzare questo pannello.

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Last update: 23/07/2020

Resta in contatto

Iscriviti per ricevere aggiornamenti sugli eventi e le attività della città di Padova.