Opificium Musicae – La fabbrica della musica- Padova Urbs Organi

3 - 24 MAY 2024
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It is with great pleasure that the new cycle of concerts of the Opifium Musicae-The music factory of the Padovano Organistic Center – Padua takes place.

Our artistic director Viviana Romoli wanted to give particular emphasis to the young people who will be the undisputed protagonists on Fridays in May at the Sanctuary of the Pellegrina Madonna from 9.00 pm:

in addition to the two solo organ concerts with Alice Nardo and Alessandro Giulini, we will have the pleasure to have the Cesare Pollini Conservatory and the Concetto Marchesi Musical High School as guests.

Don’t miss these extraordinary events! Thanks to: Municipality of PaduaAsolo Musica – Veneto MusicaDon Nicola Mazza University CollegeArmelin Zanibon Music Library


Via Savonarola, 176, Padova
+39 049 873 4411

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