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Passeggiata serale nell’antico ghetto di Padova

11 - 18 JUL 2024

The history of this neighborhood will become tangible through a route in stages that will show the traces of the Jewish past preserved by these streets, including the ancient mezuzah of Via dell’Arco, the balconies of the Padua Merchant and the Lenguazza Court.

The guided tour will end with entry to the Italian Synagogue, the Community’s current place of prayer.

The event lasts about an hour and is suitable for all types of audiences.

Meeting point: MUSEUM OF JEWISH PADUA, Via delle Piazze, 26 – 35122 PADUA.

Reservations are required :

 tel. +39 049661267

Whatsapp +39 3762256076


Via delle Piazze, 26, Padova
(0039) 049 661267

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