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An exhibition that occupies all the spaces of the former Church of Sant’Agnese in Padua for the first time, resuming the never-interrupted dialogue of the Alberto Peruzzo Foundation with contemporary Italian art. “Fabrizio Plessi.

Nero Oro” is the monographic exhibition curated by Riccardo Caldura which opens to the public from 6 April to 13 October 2024. After Mari Verticali presented in 2011 at the Venice Pavilion of the Giardini della Biennale, Liquid Life.

Liquid Light at the 2015 Art Biennale, and L’Anima di Pietra in 2018 at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, once again Padua and the Foundation, on the occasion of the 60th Venice Art Biennale, pay homage to a great Venetian artist by adoption, who turns 84 in those same days.

The Nero Oro project stages not only a dialectic, but also the representation of an alchemical process that refers to the passage from night to day, from raw material to maximum human expression, and is made up of three moments divided into the three main areas of 12th century building.

In the Nave, a golden work, the archetype of a mosaic, ideally dialogues with the fourteenth-century fresco fragments found during the restoration and still on display in the former church; in the Hypogeum where some archaeological finds are exhibited, a flow of gold seems to invade the remains of a still visible Roman road; in the Sacristy over 100 drawings tell the evolution of the theme of Gold in Plessi’s poetics.


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