
16 MAR - 28 APR 2024
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The interactive scientific exhibition of physics, chemistry and natural sciences Sperimentando 2024, now in its XXII edition, is set up from 16 March to 28 April 2024, and will have as its theme Science that amazes.

The theme of this year’s exhibition aims to collect various phenomena of everyday reality that generally amaze and which find an explanation in science. In the field of chemistry, the spectator’s curiosity will be stimulated by magic that is the result of chemical reactions.

With natural sciences it will be possible to explore an infinitely small world populated by living beings capable of resisting extreme conditions. Finally, for physics, events will be shown that surprise because they do not follow common logic.

Finally, art will amaze thanks to beautiful trompe d’oeils which, through games of perspective, create the illusion of landscapes that do not exist.

The Communication Unit of the CNR of Genoa will also collaborate in the setup with a collection of experiments entitled “Science becomes beautiful – Between perception and reality”.

The interactive experience proposed by “Sperimentando 2024” will be enriched by in-person visits with a guide and, given that in the years of the pandemic, new enjoyment techniques had to be invented, virtual guided tours; both methods of visit are by reservation by visiting the site:


The exhibition is associated with some educational workshops and two competitions aimed at secondary schools (“Art experiments with science” for the creation of the logo, “Experiment too” for the creation of experiments to be exhibited); conferences are also scheduled throughout the year at the schools of Padua and at the Università Popolare “G. Oselladore” of Chioggia, shows and other events.


via Alvise Cornaro, 1, Padova
(0039)049 8204547

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