What to eat

Campionaria Padova

La più grande manifestazione multisettoriale del Nordest avrà luogo dal 13 al 21 maggio e prevede una collaborazione con la Fiera delle Parole, unendo intrattenimento e cultura.
Without architectural barriers

Dolce, caffè & more

Pasticcerie, cafè, gelaterie artigianali, bistrot e birrerie
What to eat

Food & wine

Where to eat in Padua and surrounding
What to eat

Padua at Table

From the snacks of the 1950s enjoyed in the Euganean Hills to the Michelin-star restaurants of the Alajmo family.
What to eat

Three patented Padua recipes

A first course, a main course and a dessert – all registered by the city’s Chamber of Commerce
Food and wine

Torta Pazientina

Food and wine