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Places to visit

Discover the symbolic places and hidden gems of Padua and its territory

Parks and gardens
Via Orto Botanico, 15, Padova
Historical buildings and streets
Historical buildings and streets
PIazza delle Erbe, 35, Padova (PD)
Museums and art galleries
Via San Francesco, 94, Padova
Historical buildings and streets
Corso Garibaldi, 33, Padova

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Historical buildings and streets
Corso Garibaldi, 39 , Padova (PD)
Parks and gardens
Via Orto Botanico, 15, Padova
Parks and gardens
San Giorgio delle Pertiche (PD)
Historical buildings and streets
Via Tolomei, Loreggia (PD)
Museums and art galleries
Stabilimento Pedrocchi, Piazzetta Cappellato Pedro, PADOVA
Historical buildings and streets
via Accademia 7, Padova
Historical buildings and streets
via Armistizio, 277/a, Padova (PD)
Historical buildings and streets
Historical buildings and streets
Via Argine Destro, 16, Cartura