The Sabbionari flood-bank follows a route that runs from Via Argine Sinistro to the town of Saccolongo. Following the course of the embankment of the river Bacchiglione, it is a natural space dotted with trees typical of this area (poplars. robinias and willows); the cultivated fields beyond grow maize and soya. At certain points the old poplar trees divide the ground geometrically, evidence of the old property divisions that once existed here.
Along the route you can also see the remains of a old rural worker’s cottage – a rare sight these days. Continuing further along, you will see the Euganean Hills in the distance. Walking along the flood-bank in the direction of Saccolongo, at a certain point you come to a stretch known as Moisasso; the name reflects that this ground was once occupied by the waters of the river Bacchiglione and hence moio [wet]. There are also a large number of cultivated fields.