Start from the river port of Portello di Padova, the wharf on the historic 16th century steps.
An ancient river port of the city, with an elegant portal in white Istrian stone and a turret with a clock tower, this is where the boats used to sail along the rivers and navigable canals connecting Padua and its province with the lagoon of Venice. Sailing along the Piovego and skirting the ancient walls with 16th century bastions, you pass under the old Ponte dei Graissi to reach the village of Noventa Padovana. In the past, this was the stopping place for boats, passengers and goods which, arriving from Venice along the waterway, were then transported to Padua in wagons. Later, however, due to the opening of the Piovego canal, which made it possible to reach Padua, this town lost its strategic importance. The numerous villas, stately residences of the Venetian nobility, still remain as a testimony of that period. Among these is the solitary and superb Villa Giovanelli, built at the end of the 17th century and profusely decorated with frescoes, whose architectural structure combines the compositional characteristics of Palladio and Longhena: a unique monumental pentagonal pronaos, tall Corinthian columns with a tympanum decorated with statues, a majestic staircase: elements that give an imposing and scenographic character to its external appearance.
After crossing the Noventa Padovana and Stra locks, with a drop in the water level, you reach Stra, where the Brenta canal leaves the Brenta river, after about 90 minutes of navigation.