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XXI Giornata Nazionale del Trekking Urbano

Nature to Art: memory, artifice, landscape

Sport and nature

Booking is obligatory through the website from October the 2nd.

The appointment is back with the National Day of Urban Trekking!

Also in this edition 2024, which takes place on Thursday 31st October and Friday 1st November, Padua is the protagonist, proposing a route designed to introduce participants to an unprecedented point of view on the city.

The itinerary, which runs from Treves Park to the Città Giardino, tells the story of the change in the urban fabric of Padua between the 18th and 20th centuries and its relationship with the natural environment. From the nineteenth-century Romantic Garden of the Treves Family, by Giuseppe Jappelli, to the redevelopment of Prato della Valle designed by Andrea Memmo, to the Città Giardino, a district designed to be surrounded by greenery, and the open-air schools along the ancient walls.

This year’s theme, “Nature to Art: Memory, Artifice, Landscape”, aims to accompany citizens to discover urban development in harmony with the natural landscape, without forgetting to touch the most famous monuments of the city, such as the Basilica del Santo, the Botanical Garden and Santa Giustina, part of the city’s fabric.

An opportunity to enjoy the city with its beauties, enveloped in the colors of autumn in Padua!

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