
2 OCT 2024-FEB 23, 2025
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Telling timeless stories while managing to enchant the public is considered a real art, but behind the typical immediacy of the perfect artistic result lies – as often happens in the art world – a creative research work that lasts years, generally unknown to those who listen to these stories.

The exhibition, promoted by the Department of Culture and the Altinate San Gaetano Cultural Centre, produced by 24 ORE Cultura – Gruppo 24 ORE, curated by the Walt Disney Animation Research Library and with the collaboration of Federico Fiecconi, historian and critic of comics and animated cinema, presents precious original works from the Disney Archives relating to the immortal feature films and other famous films by Walt Disney Animation Studios, up to the most recent animated film Frozen 2 – The Secret of Arendelle, created by a new generation of artists and filmmakers still deeply inspired by Walt Disney’s legacy.

The itinerary tells the visitor about Walt Disney’s masterpieces, tracing the stories back to the ancient matrices of epic tradition: they are the myths, medieval legends and folklore, fables and fairy tales that have constituted the archetypal narrative heritage of the different cultures of the world for centuries, a real melting pot between the different continents.

These are also the thematic sections of the exhibition, in which the most famous stories from which Disney films were based are placed and are presented in a narrative key through the display of preparatory sketches of creative research, focused on the exploration of characters, settings and narrative plots.

from Tuesday to Sunday 9.00-19.30 Monday 2.30pm-7.30pm
The ticket office closes one hour early (last entry)

online TICKET
Ticket 24 (vivaticket.it)


Via Altinate, 71, Padova
(0039) 049 8204857

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