Le allegre comari di Windsor

FEB 17, 2024
Cinema and theatre
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With the intention of paying homage to the Anglo-Saxon poet, the Padua company focuses on this 17th century comedy that is little known in Italy, unlike its most famous operatic version, Verdi’s ‘Falstaff’.

In fact, a legend originated in theatre circles that Shakespeare, in order to get rid of Falstaff or at least to justify his sad death in Henry V, wanted to use this play to write an opera in which he pilloried the poor ‘blissful fat man’, ‘the fat lump’, a character who had so fascinated the public, noble and otherwise, of the time.

In Top’s staging, in a whirlwind of merry jokes and well-planned pranks, what ensues is a cruel game where the victim, the true scapegoat, attracts the hypocrisy and hatred of others to himself, precisely because he is the only one able to show true human nature without veils.

It is recommended to book and buy tickets via the Oooh.Events platform (https://oooh.events/evento/le-comari-top-biglietti/). Alternatively, it will also be possible to purchase them on the evening of the performance itself (from 8 p.m.) at the Maddalene Theatre box office.

Single ticket: 10 euros

For information write to info@teatrioffpadova.com


Via San Giovanni da Verdara, 40, PADOVA

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