The animated tour® evokes the figure of the coffee maker Antonio Pedrocchi, who entrusted the architect Giuseppe Jappelli with the task of making ‘the most beautiful coffee on earth’. It then recalls the opening of the ground-floor rooms on 9 June 1831, the completion of the Stabilimento Pedrocchi in 1842, until Antonio’s death in 1852, recalling the splendour of the ‘Stabilimento Pedrocchi’ and the vicissitudes of the historic café. The story is studded with verses and newspaper articles, encounters and clashes, envy and success, paid dearly, with a lifetime of work, by the honest café owner.
The entrance ticket to the Museo del Risorgimento e dell’Età Contemporanea combined with the Animated Visit, in addition to admission to the show, entitles the visitor to visit the museum during opening hours.
Group: Maximum 40/50 people per performance
Prices Full price ticket: € 15.00
Children’s ticket: € 8.00 (under 12 years)
Reduced price ticket to the Museo del Risorgimento e dell’età contemporanea: € 4.00 (to be purchased at the museum ticket office)
Tel: 324 6286197