OPV-Veneto Contemporanea Speciale Anteprima

FEB 29, 2024
Fairs and Congresses
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Also for the current year, the Orchest e del Veneto offers new listening paths useful for keeping alive connections between present and past, with a view to an established distinctive and stylistic figure.

Along these lines a special event will be inserted in Padua as a tribute to Luigi Nono, whose centenary of birth is being celebrated this year, following the international success achieved with the new edition of Prometheus. Tragedy of Listening, the great Venetian composer’s musical testament, which featured OPV and Marco Angius as protagonists as part of a project launched through a collaboration between the Historical Archives of Contemporary Arts of La Biennale di Venezia (ASAC), the Luigi Nono Archive Foundation and TBA21-Academy, the research center of Fundación TBA21.

Marco Angius will conduct Guai ai gelidi mostri, the first composition by Nono to thoroughly investigate the relationship between sound and space. The work is to be understood as the interaction of Nono’s music with texts by Lucretius, Ovid, Ezra Pound, Friedrich Nietzsche, Franz Rosenzweig and Gottfried Benn, combined by Massimo Cacciari in accordance with his own philosophical discourse, as well as the four paintings by Emilio Vedova that arose in parallel with the compilation of the text.

Info: https://www.opvorchestra.it/


via Carlo Cassan, 17, Padova
(0039) 0498750648

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