Padova Marathon 2024

APR 21, 2024
Sport and movement
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For twenty-four years, the Padova Marathon has been the most important business card through which the Padua territory presents itself abroad. It is so because no other sporting event knows how to unite with the same strength two souls: the great popular festival and the appointment of technical importance, now consolidated in the calendar of Italian and foreign specialists.

The Padua Marathon knows how to attract runners and tourists from all over the world also thanks to the numerous initiatives that accompany the main event, in 2024 scheduled for Sunday 21 April; but it is also a point of reference for the elite athletes of road races.

From year to year, popular participation continues to grow and to reward an event, capable every edition of attracting four thousand registered participants in the two competitive events, the 42km Marathon and the 21km Half Marathon. As a corollary to the two competitive races, there are also the Stracittadine, the non-competitive 10, 5 and 1 km races that make even those who do not usually do so wear t-shirts and running shoes.

A reminder for Paduans to make a new pact with their city, an invitation for international runners to discover a city of art with two Unesco World Heritage sites during a race of a high technical level.



Prato della Valle, Padova

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