Padova tra arte e tradizione

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A pleasant walk in the historical city center lead by the licensed guides of the Association Elena Cornaro Piscopia discovering the medieval heart of town, even nowadays beating heart of Padua: Piazza delle Erbe e della Frutta, market area already in roman ages, with the imposing building of the 12th century Palace of Justice standing between them, seat of the covered market and Court of Law, Piazza dei Signori, seat of the political power, and the clock tower  with its magnificent astronomical and astrological clock, the Jewish Ghetto, the famous Caffè Pedrocchi, inaugurated 1831 and nicknamed  “the cafè without doors”, simbol of the Paduan Risorgimento, Bo Palace, the historical seat of the university, alive part of Paduan  culture since 1222, where Niccolò Copernico and William Harvey studied and Galileo Galilei tougth 18 years long, “the best ones in his life” as he personally wrote! Passing by the tomb of Antenore, mithycal founder of Padua, we arrive to the Basilica of Saint Anthony, “the Saint without name”, not only place of devotion, destination of pilgrims from all over the world, but also shrine guarding countless works of art by artists like Giusto de’ Menabuoi, Altichiero, Donatello, Sansovino…till Annigoni.

The tour takes place on Sundays at 10:30 am.


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