OCT 7, 2023
Guided tours and excursions
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Thanks to the event Padua and Its Waterways, you will have the chance to explore the City from an unusual point of view.

The walking tour will start from Porta Savonarola, one of the main gates to the Patavinian Walls, projected by the architect Giovanni Maria Falconetto and finished in 1530. There will a special guest narrating the history of this Gate and of the Reinassance walls, an historian that wrote about this topic.

After the visit to the Gate, you will embark in an electric boat at the Porta Contarine gate and start navigating along the Piovego river.
From the privileged point of the boat, along the ancient Venetian Renaissance walls, once you will pass under the Bridge of Corso del Popolo you will admire on the right the Bastione of the Arena and on the left the old port of the former Padua gasometer. We will then skirt the gardens of the Roman Arena reaching both the former slaughterhouse, the nineteenth-century work of Giuseppe Jappelli, and the ancient Porcilaia. Then you will reach the Portello, the city’s most important river port.
On the Porta del Portello, in 1518 Marco Antonio Loredan recognized the greatest antiquity of the city of Padua but at the same time, claimed Venetian domination.

After passing the Bastione del Portello Nuovo and admiring the copy of a magnificent Lion of the Serenissima, you will reach the Golena di San Prosdocimo, admiring the Bastione del Castelnuovo, the largest of the entire city walls as well as the Bastione Buovo or Portello Vecchio.
Disembarkation to the Porte Contarine.


Piazzale di Porta Savonarola, 62, Padova

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