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Pink Run


The ‘Pink Run’ is a non-competitive 8 km race created in 2010 from the desire to bring women closer to the world of running, and to promote this healthy outdoor sport.

The event also provides an opportunity to raise funds in favour of non-profit associations, which work in the world of women and less fortunate children, by donating the proceeds of registration.

This year, participation in the Pink Run will finance a project with the Centro Veneto Progetti Donna (Veneto Centre for Women’s Projects) named SARA BURATIN, which will support children orphaned by feminicides.

In addition, in collaboration with La Miglior Vita Possibile, the construction of the new paediatric hospice will also be financed.

The fee includes the DONATION, insurance coverage, double refreshments, the event GYM SACK with the Official T-Shirt 2024 and SPONSOR vouchers.

Online registration will be active until Friday 10 May 2024 at midnight and guarantees you the possibility of collecting your race pack and t-shirt in Prato della Valle on Saturday 11 May (from 12.00 to 19.00) and Sunday 12 May (from 11.00 to 16.30).

For telephone assistance: 391 43 89 903 (Also active on WhatsApp )


Prato della Valle, Padova

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