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Treviso-Ostiglia Fest

3rd-4th-5th of May
Sport and nature

Sapori d’autunno 2023

“Sapori d’autunno” è una mostra mercato dedicata ai migliori prodotti agroalimentari della provincia padovana e del territorio veneto
Must see

Acqua, risorsa di vita e di coesione sociale

Porte aperte all’Idrovora Ca’ Giovanelli a Pozzonovo
Green & slow

Candidato ad “Albero dell’Anno” anche un albero dell’Orto Botanico

Il Platano Orientale in gara nel concorso Albero Italiano 2022

The South of Padua

Venetian countryside, a place which smells of ancient times
Green & slow

FIAB PADOVA Friends of the Bicycle

Bike tourism with the Association

Historical gardens and parks

‘Green’ Padova: six suggestions for areas where you can do sport, relax and play

Ten things not to be missed in Padova

Are you in Padova for a few days and you don’t know where to start from? Here are ten proposals for you
Urbs Picta

The tour of the walls

Complete tour, in 10 stages, of the Renaissance and medieval walls of Padua