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Boat trip from Bassanello to Tencarola from Selvazzano Inside

escursioni giornaliere

Meet at Bassanello at the embarkation under the Ponte dello Scaricatore bridge.

At Bassanello, an ancient village of boatmen, we begin the ascent of the Bacchiglione river and immediately encounter the “Squero Nicoletti”, a historic boatyard for the repair and construction of wooden boats. After the cavana of the historic rowing club we plunge into the river’s unique loops and wide floodplains. Navigation along an evocative naturalistic river itinerary characterised by a meandering course made up of river bends and banks thick with willows, poplars, plane trees and alders; in the background the unmistakable silhouettes of the Euganean Hills. Having passed the point of confluence with the Brentella Canal we arrive at Tencarola, site of an ancient mill and river port once used for loading stones and products from the Euganean Hills.

Return navigation to Bassanello


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