Cornara Natural Oasis

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This protected oasis is both a conservation area and a place for leaning about the environment; it was created on a site once used for the extraction of clay. It can be reached on foot or by bike, and is conveniently placed in relation to the Treviso-Ostiglia cycle track.

Covering around 10 hectares, the Cornara Nature Oasis centres around two bodies of water that occupy the area between Via Albara and the river Dese. One can either walk or cycle around the edges of these ‘lakes’, which occupy depressions left by clay-mining in this zone; subsequently filled up with rainwater, these produced a specific ecosystem where various species of flora and fauna flourish. Visitors must respect a number of rules. It is forbidden to make noise that disturbs others; to light fires or play music; to pick wild flowers; to discard rubbish; to go swimming or play ballgames. And the wildlife in the oasis should be left undisturbed.
Occasionally there are organised activities on horseback or by boat.
It is possible for visitors to picnic here, as long as they do so in full respect of the environment.


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