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Casone di Via Beolo

Historical buildings and streets

The casoni were cabins that housed the poorest agricultural workers within the Veneto countryside. From being a simple hut used solely during the working season, the casone would subsequently develop into a more solid structure, with masonry walls. These structures would almost entirely disappear from the countryside in the period comprising the twenty years of fascism and the first decade of the post-war period; considered as unhealthy living quarters, they became symbols of the poverty which had no place in the modern world.
Typically, the casoni had a square or rectangular floor plan, with walls in sun-dried brick and a projecting four-slope roof made of reeds, which enabled the rainwater to run off quickly. The casone in Via Beolo is the only extant example of these structures within the area of Conselve and dates back to the end of the nineteenth century.

Always open to the public


via Beolo, 76, Conselve (PD)

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