A safe destination

Updates and useful information to better experience your destination

Padova is back! Below you will find a list of running services

Our accommodation facilities are open: contact the facility and book in advance for a completely relaxing stay which complies with the latest safety regulations, in particular social distancing and frequent sanitisation of the rooms.

To stay in Hotel, b&b, hostel… it is not longer required the EU Covid certificate.

To eat and drink inside bars, restaurants, pubs, wine bars… it is no longer required the Eu Covid certificate.

You are advised to book your table in advance, as several restaurants have reduced their seating capacity to ensure an interpersonal distance of at least one meter, while the stalls in the squares have more room.

All retail businesses, as well as markets, are open. Make sure you respect the one metre safety distance.

Hand sanitising products are available.

Museums and religious buildings are open and can be visited. 

Inside museums, archaeological parks, exhibitions, archives, libraries and other places of culture it is not longer required to use surgical masks.

Find out more in advance and book to avoid any surprises.

Guided tours run regularly with small groups of participants to ensure safety distance and booking is compulsory. If included, the organizers will provide sanitised audio guides and all information on further safety measures to be taken.

For any tourist information, to find out how to be admitted to places of culture and support for your stay in Padova, come and visit us at the Tourist Information and Welcome Offices (I.A.T.) of Galleria Pedrocchi and the FS Railway Station. Click here for more information.

How can I visit safely?

Safety first! All places and experiences – hotels, museums, restaurants, guided tours, transport, other attractions – provide for careful measures to protect visitors.

Follow the directions given and live the territory without any worries.

Many services can be booked in advance in Padova. Booking a room, a table at the restaurant or your ticket to a museum in advance is useful and ensures an even more relaxing experience. Booking is often mandatory in case of guided tours: remember to contact the organisers who will be able to provide you with all the necessary information.

Getting around Padova and its surroundings is easy.

Local Public transport: on buses, tram, metro it remains the obligation to wear the mask Ffp2.

National transport: on airplanes, trains, ferries, boat, remains the obligation to wear the mask Ffp2.

For a safe journey follow the directions at the stops and on the vehicles and wear the mask.

What do you need to know about events and other activities?

Cultural and recreational initiatives are taking place both outdoors and indoors: check the shows available in theatres and cinemas. Seats are pre-assigned and socially distanced.

Go back to experience culture safely: you just need to book your ticket a little in advance but don’t forget your personal protective equipment!

Parks and gardens are open so that people can walk in nature and breathe clean air, even with their children, respecting rules on safety distance and without any groupings.  Those who practice outdoor sports are exempt from wearing the mask.

In cinemas and theaters it is required to wear the mask Ffp2 until June 15.
The same rules also apply to all indoor activities such as live music.

Contact the organisers to find out more.

Latest measures

You are required to wear a mask Ffp2 indoors in these cases:

  1. use of public transport (buses, tram, trains, planes, ferries…)
  2. theaters, cinemas, entertainment venues. 


The protocols and anti-contagion guidelines for economic, business, administrative and social activities, as well as the guidelines for the consumption of food and drink, must always be respected.

The following are exempted from these obligations:

1) subjects who are doing sports activities;

2) children under the age of six;

3) subjects with underlying problems or disabilities that are incompatible with the use of the mask, as well as those who, in order to interact with these people, are in the same condition of incompatibility.

In accordance with the Prime Ministerial Decree of 26th April 2020, the following sanitation measures are recommended:

    1. wash your hands frequently;
    2. avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections;
    3. avoid hugs and handshakes;
    4. maintain an interpersonal distance of at least one metre in your social contacts;
    5. practice respiratory hygiene (sneeze and/or cough in a handkerchief avoiding any hand contact with respiratory secretions)
    6. avoid sharing bottles and glasses with others;
    7. do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands;
    8. cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough;
    9. do not take antiviral drugs and antibiotics unless prescribed by your doctor;
    10. clean surfaces with chlorine or alcohol-based disinfectants;
    11. it is strongly recommended to use nose and mouth protective covering as an additional measure to other individual sanitation protection measures in all social contacts.

 Find here the measures to enter Italy.

Covid-19 – Regional telephone information lines: 800 462 340 

For more info, visit the website.

Last update: 18/09/2020

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