The Scrovegni Chapel in photography between the 19th and 20th centuries

28 OCT 2023-APR 7, 2024
Exhibitions and festivals
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Curated by the Civic Museums, the Civic Library and the World Heritage Office of the Municipality of Padua and promoted by the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Padua, the exhibition reconstructs the extraordinary visual fortune of the Scrovegni Chapel through an articulated itinerary.

Known the world over as the absolute masterpiece frescoed by Giotto, the Scrovegni Chapel was among the first Italian monuments to be reproduced in photographs: Carlo Naya, one of the Italian pioneers of photography, immortalised it for the first time in the summer of 1863.

The exhibition itinerary of Lo scatto di Giotto starts from Carlo Naya’s first photographs, exhibits rare and precious photographic plates made by Luigi Borlinetto starting from 1883, heritage of the Biblioteca Civica di Padova, and then moves on to the 20th century, with the photographic campaigns of Fratelli Alinari and Domenico Anderson.
Thanks to these, from 1906 the Scrovegni Chapel became part of international art catalogues, to be recognised worldwide as Giotto’s masterpiece.

From photography, the exhibition then moves on to cinema: in 1938 the very young director Luciano Emmer made “Racconto da un affresco”, the first film about the Scrovegni Chapel; in 1971, thanks to Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Decameron, Giotto’s masterpiece entered the pages of art-house film history. There will also be a section dedicated to contemporary technologies of reproduction, for a projection of art towards the future.

Entrance: included in the ticket for the Museo Eremitani
Hours: from monday to sunday from 9 am to 7 pm
Closed 25 and 26 December, 1 January


Piazza Eremitani, 8, Padova
(0039)049 8204551

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