The Statues disclose their history – THE MYTHS

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Antenor (2); P. Clodio Trasea Peto (4); Lucio Arrunzio Stella (9); Opsicella (10); Tito Livio (48).

Statue no. 2 Antenor
Hello, I am Antenor nephew of Priam, the King of Troy After the Greeks conquered the city of Troy, I escaped with Aeneas and a number of Aenetian and Phrygian soldiers and, after sailing up the Dalmatian coast to the mouth of the Brenta, I arrived at the settlements of the Euganeans. To find the exact place where I was supposed to lay the foundations of the city I had to shoot an arrow at a flock of flying birds; I had to found my new city exactly where the bird hit had fallen. And it was there that Padova was born.

Statue No. 10 Opsicella
Hello, I am Opsicella a Trojan warrior escaped with Antenor from the burning city of Troy destroyed by the Achaeans. After sailing up the Adriatic Sea and the Brenta river I took part with Antenor in the foundation of Padova and, after having parted ways, I continued my journey to the foot of the Hills where I founded the city of Monselice.

Statue No. 48 Tito Livio
Hi, I am Livio, Tito Livio, born in 59 BC. My most important work is the history of Rome, which begins with its foundation that traditionally dates back to April 21, 753 BC and ends with the death of Drusus Germanicus in the year 9 BC. This mighty achievement of 142 books could fill a library alone but, unfortunately, I know that only 35 books have been preserved.

Time to complete the route: 45 minutes

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