Museo della Centuriazione Romana

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Borgoricco The Museum of the Roman Settlement [Museo della Centuriazione Romana] is housed in the Centro Civico of Borgoricco, which was designed by the famous architect Aldo Rossi; it contains a range of archaeological material found within the grid-work pattern (centuriation) of the Roman settlement in this area.

The modern and functional setting designed by the architect Aldo Rossi contains a collection of artefacts that recount the history of the Roman grid-pattern settlement (centuriation) that extended between the sites of the modern-day towns of Villa del Conte and Camposampiero, with the river Muson Vecchio to the north, the town area of Mirano to the east and the course of the river Brenta to the south.
The archaeological material on display comes from sites at various parts of the centuriated landscape; the collection was also recently added to by artefacts unearthed during archaeological excavations in the area of Borgoricco itself, carried out in collaboration with the Veneto Superintendence for the Archaeological Heritage and financed by private individuals, the Town Council of Borgioricco and the Regional Government of the Veneto.
Some of these objects are of particularly high quality – for example, the bronze strigils (body scrapers used by athletes); other finds were even more unique in character – for example, the splendid architectural tiles in terracotta with plant-motif decoration in bas-relief. The rooms of the museum take you on a journey through time, describing all aspects of life within the Roman settlement, from the actual imposition of a grid-pattern layout upon the territory to the various activities that were practised within it (agriculture, animal-husbandry, trade and domestic management). There is also a section dedicated to how these various activities changed as a result of the barbarian invasions.
The Museum of Roman Settlement has a range of teaching activities for school children of all ages, with workshops, guided tours and other ways to learn about the collections.

Opening Hours
Mornings Tuesday-Saturday: 9. a.m. to 12 noon Sunday: 10 a.m. to 12 noon
Afternoons Wednesday and Friday: 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 3 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
Closed on Mondays

full price: € 3.00 reduced: € 1.00 (school groups, children 7-14 y.o, adults over 65 y.o)


Viale Europa, 12, Borgoricco
(0039) 049 9336321

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