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The planetarium simulates the night sky: within a hemispherical cupola it offers a realistic reproduction of the layout of the stars, other celestial bodies and different types of astronomical phenomena. The excellent quality of the images used within the Padua Planetarium – accompanied by a presentation which is suitable for both children and adults – means that all visitors get to discover more about the universe as we know it, and at the same time experience the powerful emotions stirred by the wonders of the heavens. Almost nine metres in diameter, the innovative cupola is an installation which is unique of its kind; beneath it there are 62 comfortable reclining seats that give each spectator full visibility. The presentation at the Planetarium begins with a first part in which experts offer an overview of the heavens; interacting with the public, they provide an introduction to the fascinating world of astronomy. In the second part, a film projected onto the cupola provides a very realistic recreation of events and constellations within the heavens. This fully immersive experience lasts about one hour.


Via Alvise Cornaro, 1, Padova
(0039) 049 773677

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