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Park of Europe and the Crystal Garden

Plant collections in one of the largest green areas of Padova


The Crystal Garden (Giardino di Cristallo) was created inside a structure reminiscent of a flower corolla to house the municipal collection of succulent plants donated by Prof. Angelo Levis to the city.

It features aloe, agaves, euphorbias, pachipodium, chorisia, bursera, moringa, bombax, cacti, typical plants of the desert areas of North and South America and Africa. There are also specimens of considerable size, such as columnar euphorbias that are more than 6 metres high, Madagascar’s pachipodium, crested, variegated forms, hybrids between aloe species and intergenerational hybrids.

The Crystal Garden is located within the Park of Europe, whoch was designed to house collections of plants and was inspired by the example of the city of Stuttgart, which has been hosting the International horticultural exposition (IGA) since 1993.

For more information on how to visit, please go to the website

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