Archaeological area of Santa Maria di Quarta

Historical buildings and streets
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The remains of the ninth-century church of Santa Maria di Quarta within this archaeological site consist of a part of the apse and some free-standing walls. The church was located within the vast territory of the Corte di Quarto, in what is now known as Selvazzano Fuori, on the left bank of the river Bacchiglione.

The decline in the economic fortunes of the area began in the fourteenth century, due to war, enemy raids, epidemics and flooding, and the result was that the religious foundation was completely abandoned. The church then enjoyed new life after, in 1513, it was – together with the land in the area – incorporated within the estates of the convent of San Giorgio in Padua. The nuns successfully managed the agricultural estates here, contributing to the rebirth of a community in the area. These improving fortunes ultimately resulted in the recognition of the rural town of Quarta as an adminstrative entity. However, this autonomy would disappear in 1810 due to the reorganization of territorial administration during the period of Napoleonic rule.
The archaelogical site provides the opportunity to visit the ruins of a church which once played a crucial part in the social and economic life of this area.


Via Vignale, 12, Selvazzano Dentro (PD)

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