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Cathedral of San Lorenzo

Religious buildings

The church of San Lorenzo, also known as the Duomo di Conselve, rises above the ruins of an ancient country church that dated back to 900 A.D. Built in a classical style, it was constructed over the years from 1720 to 1748. The single-nave interior has eight side chapels, which are separated by pilaster strips with composite Ionic capitals. The cathedral houses a number of works of art. The altarpiece depicts The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence and is an early-seventeenth-century painting that had hung in the previous church; recently restored, it is now attributed to the School of Tintoretto.
Other works include: the frescoes by Agostino Caironi which dominate the wide ceiling and depict The Trial of St. Lawrence; two massive canvases by the Roman artist Lodovico Seitz, each measuring about 20 m2, which hang on the walls either side of the altar. One should also mention the Renaissance-style marble altar with classical columns, and the Stations of the Cross in terracotta, each panel of which is set above the pedestal of the nave pilaster strips. Traces of the previous structure can be seen at the base of the bell-tower, which is said to date back to the twelfth century – that is, to the period when Alberto da Baone had work done of the ancient parish church (1194). The two small columns surmounted by putti that are on the east wall of the parish church came from the Duomo that preceded the present structure.

Piazza XX settembre, Conselve (PD)

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