The district of San Domenico – the oldest part of which extends around Via San Bartolomeo, Via San Pietro and Via San Paolo – would, with the establishment of a new parish, begin to take on the characteristics of an autonomous settlement. This place of worship is linked with the creation of the new parish on 8 December 1969, a decision that reflected the rapid demographic growth in this area of Tencarola.
Designed by the architects A. Cornoldi and E. Barato, the church was built between 26 March and 24 December 1972. The name given to this place of worship – and to the parish and district it stands in – was no accident. In fact, the site once belonged to the Dominican friars, who had at one point intended to build their own institution here. Having decided upon a different location, they donated the land to the diocese, and on that site the church of San Domenico would be built. Thus the dedication to that saint was a mark of gratitude to the former landowners: the Padua Friars of the Dominican Order of Preacher.