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The Jewish Heritage Museum

Museums and art galleries

Located in the historic center of Padua and in the area of the ancient ghetto, The Jewish Heritage Museum  tells the events and rituals of Judaism and the Jewish Community of Padua from its origins to today.
It is located in the first and largest Ashkenazi Synagogue, founded in 1522 and active until May 1943, when it was set on fire by a group of Paduan fascists. The restoration, made with the contribution of the Jewish Community and the support of the Veneto Region and the Municipality of Padua, has given back a space of great charm, enriched by the imprint of the matronei and the nineteenth-century staircase.

Among the many objects in the collection, the Museum exhibits traditional family artefacts, such as candlesticks, spice holders, Passover dishes (Passover), and objects related to synagogue ritual, among which stand out a highly prized tapestry (Parochet) of Mamluk origin of the fifteenth century, textiles and a scroll of the Torah (the sacred text in Judaism with the first 5 books of the Bible) dating back to the sixteenth century.

Inside, the video-installation “Generation goes, generation comes” by Denis Brotto, tells of the women and men who have been part of the Community. They come to life to tell their own story, through the places that characterize Judaism in Padua, and ideally address all those who are called to receive the witness and transmit it to others, from one generation to the next.

The museum can be visited Mondays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sundays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Closed on Saturdays and Jewish holidays, January 1, December 25.

Visits can be made by appointment on other days except Saturdays and Jewish holidays: / +39 049 661267 (Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

The tour can be completed with entry to the Italian Synagogue and/or the Old Wiel Street Cemetery.


Guided tour of the Museum Full 10.00€

Reduced 8.00€ for students up to 26 years of age

Reduced 10,00€ for students up to 26 years old 

Family Ticket 30,00 € 2 adults + 3 children maximum up to 12 years old 

Guided tour of the Museum, Synagogue and Cemetery Full 15,00 €

Reduced 12,00 € for students up to 26 years old

More information at


Via delle Piazze, 26, Padova
+39 049 661267

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