The Research Tower

Città della Speranza Paediatric Research Institute

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Inaugurated in 2012 based on a project by architect Paolo Portoghesi, the so-called “Research Tower” houses the largest centre of excellence in Europe dedicated to scientific research in paediatrics: the Città della Speranza Institute of Paediatric Research.

The centre, which Città della Speranza Foundation aspired to and built, hosts more than 350 researchers. Its particular shape recalls both that of an angel with half-open wings and that of a DNA molecule with a double ascending helix, to convey the double message of human solidarity towards those who suffer, children in particular, and trust in science.

The Institute, centre of attraction for many Italian and foreign researchers, adopts a unique and highly technological multidisciplinary approach, fundamental for research activities in the following fields: paediatric oncology, stem cell transplantation and gene therapy; regenerative medicine; nano-medicine; genetics and rare diseases; predictive medicine; immunology and neuro-immunology.

The Institute, constantly in touch with the Clinic of Paediatric Oncohaematology, plays an essential role in the advanced diagnostics of leukaemia, lymphomas and sarcomas, making Padova the reference centre for the rest of Italy.

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